The MCFClass Project
The SPTree class derives from the abstract base class MCFClass, thus sharing its (standard) interface, and implements Shortest Path Tree algorithms for solving "uncapacitated" (Linear) Min Cost Flow problems with one source node. More...
#include <SPTree.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SPTree (Index nmx=0, Index mmx=0, bool Drctd=true) | |
Constructor of the class. | |
void | LoadNet (Index nmx=0, Index mmx=0, Index pn=0, Index pm=0, cFRow pU=0, cCRow pC=0, cFRow pDfct=0, cIndex_Set pSn=0, cIndex_Set pEn=0) override |
Inputs a new network, as in MCFClass::LoadNet(). | |
cCRow | MCFGetPi (void) const override |
Same meaning as MCFClass::MCFGetPi(). | |
FONumber | MCFGetFO (void) const override |
Same meaning as MCFClass::MCFGetFO(). | |
void | ShortestPathTree (void) |
Solver of the Shortest Path Tree Problem from the current Origin. | |
void | SetOrigin (Index NewOrg) |
Changes the Origin from which Shortest Paths are computed. | |
void | SetDest (Index NewDst) |
Changes the Destination node of Shotest Paths. | |
void | MCFGetX (Index ND, cIndex_Set DB, FRow F, Index_Set nms=0, Index strt=0, Index stp=Inf< Index >()) const |
Like SPTree::MCFGetX( FRow , Index_Set , cIndex , Index ), except that the primal solution that is returned is relative only to the subset of destinations whose names are contained in the first ND entries of the vector DB. | |
FONumber | MCFGetFO (Index ND, cIndex_Set DB) const |
Like SPTree::MCFGetFO( void ), except that the cost that is returned is that of the primal solution relative only to the subset of destinations whose names are contained in the first ND entries of the vector DB. | |
bool | Reached (Index i) const |
Returns true if a shortest path from Origin to i have already been computed; this can be used when LABEL_SETTING == 1 to determine if a shortest from Origin to i have been obtained as a by-product of the calculation of the shortest path between Origin and some other Dest. | |
cIndex_Set | Predecessors (void) const |
Return a cIndex* vector p[] such that p[ i ] is the predecessor of node i in the shortest path tree. | |
cIndex_Set | ArcPredecessors (void) |
Return a cIndex* vector a[] such that a[ i ] is the index of the arc ( p[ i ] , i ), being p[] the vector returned by the above method, and with the same structure. | |
Index | Orig (void) const |
returns the root of the SPT problem | |
Index | DestN (void) const |
returns the number of destination nodes in the SPT problem | |
cIndex_Set | Dests (void) const |
Returns the DestN()-vector containig the names of destination nodes in the SPT problem; the names are in increasing order and INF-terminated. | |
Index | LenFS (Index i) const |
returns the size of the Forward Star of node i | |
Index | ReadFS (Index i, Index h) const |
returns the h-th arc in FS( i ) for h = 0, ... , LenFS( i ) - 1 | |
virtual void | MCFGetX (FRow F, Index_Set nms=0, Index strt=0, Index stp=Inf< Index >()) const=0 |
write the optimal flow solution in a vector | |
virtual cFRow | MCFGetX (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to the flow solution | |
virtual void | MCFGetRC (CRow CR, cIndex_Set nms=0, Index strt=0, Index stp=Inf< Index >()) const=0 |
write the reduced costs in a vector | |
virtual cCRow | MCFGetRC (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to an the reduced costs | |
virtual CNumber | MCFGetRC (Index i) const=0 |
return the reduced cost of the i-th arc | |
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MCFClass (Index nmx=0, Index mmx=0) | |
Constructor of the class. | |
virtual void | LoadDMX (istream &DMXs, bool IsQuad=false) |
read a MCF instance from a stream | |
virtual void | PreProcess (void) |
pre-process the instamce | |
virtual void | SetPar (int par, int val) |
set integer parameters of the algorithm | |
virtual void | SetPar (int par, double val) |
set float parameters of the algorithm. | |
virtual void | GetPar (int par, int &val) const |
returns one of the integer parameters of the algorithm | |
virtual void | GetPar (int par, double &val) const |
returns one of the double parameters of the algorithm | |
virtual void | SetMCFTime (bool TimeIt=true) |
set the timer of the code | |
int | MCFGetStatus (void) const |
returns the solution status | |
virtual bool | HaveNewX (void) |
tells if a different flow solution is available | |
virtual bool | HaveNewPi (void) |
tells if a different dual solution is available | |
virtual FONumber | MCFGetDFO (void) const |
return the objective function value of the dual solution | |
virtual FNumber | MCFGetUnfCut (Index_Set Cut) const |
return an unfeasibility certificate | |
virtual Index | MCFGetUnbCycl (Index_Set Pred, Index_Set ArcPred) const |
return an unboundedness certificate | |
virtual MCFStatePtr | MCFGetState (void) const |
save the state of the MCF solver | |
virtual void | MCFPutState (MCFStatePtr S) |
restore the state of the solver | |
void | TimeMCF (double &t_us, double &t_ss) const |
time the code | |
double | TimeMCF (void) const |
Like TimeMCF( double , double ) [see above], but returns the total time. | |
void | CheckPSol (void) const |
checks the primal solution | |
void | CheckDSol (void) const |
checks the dual solution | |
Index | MCFnmax (void) const |
return the maximum number of nodes | |
Index | MCFmmax (void) const |
return the maximum number of arcs | |
Index | MCFn (void) const |
return the current number of nodes | |
Index | MCFm (void) const |
return the current number of arcs | |
virtual cIndex_Set | MCFSNdes (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to the vector of starting nodes | |
virtual cIndex_Set | MCFENdes (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to the vector of ending nodes | |
virtual cCRow | MCFCosts (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to the vector of arc costs | |
virtual void | MCFQCoef (CRow Qv, cIndex_Set nms=0, Index strt=0, Index stp=Inf< Index >()) const |
write the quadratic coefficients of the arc costs into a vector | |
virtual CNumber | MCFQCoef (Index i) const |
return the quadratic coefficients of the cost of the i-th arc | |
virtual cCRow | MCFQCoef (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to the vector of arc quadratic costs | |
virtual cFRow | MCFUCaps (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to an the vector of arc capacities | |
virtual cFRow | MCFDfcts (void) const |
return a read-only pointer to the vector of node deficits | |
virtual void | WriteMCF (ostream &oStrm, int frmt=0) const |
write the current MCF problem to an ostream | |
virtual void | ChgQCoef (cCRow NQCoef=0, cIndex_Set nms=0, Index strt=0, Index stp=Inf< Index >()) |
change the quadratic coefficients of the arc costs | |
virtual void | ChgQCoef (Index arc, CNumber NQCoef) |
change the quadratic coefficient of the cost of the i-th arc | |
virtual Index | AddArc (Index Start, Index End, FNumber aU, CNumber aC)=0 |
adds a new arc | |
virtual | ~MCFClass () |
destructor of the class | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | MCFParam { kMaxTime = 0 , kMaxIter , kEpsFlw , kEpsDfct , kEpsCst , kReopt , kLastParam } |
Public enum describing the possible parameters of the MCF solver, to be used with the methods SetPar() and GetPar(). More... | |
enum | MCFStatus { kUnSolved = -1 , kOK = 0 , kStopped , kUnfeasible , kUnbounded , kError } |
Public enum describing the possible status of the MCF solver. More... | |
enum | MCFAnswer { kNo = 0 , kYes } |
Public enum describing the possible reoptimization status of the MCF solver. More... | |
enum | MCFFlFrmt { kDimacs = 0 , kQDimacs , kMPS , kFWMPS } |
Public enum describing the possible file formats in WriteMCF(). More... | |
typedef unsigned int | Index |
index of a node or arc ( >= 0 ) | |
typedef Index * | Index_Set |
set (array) of indices | |
typedef const Index | cIndex |
a read-only index | |
typedef cIndex * | cIndex_Set |
read-only index array | |
typedef double | FNumber |
type of arc flow | |
typedef FNumber * | FRow |
vector of flows | |
typedef const FNumber | cFNumber |
a read-only flow | |
typedef cFNumber * | cFRow |
read-only flow array | |
typedef double | CNumber |
type of arc flow cost | |
typedef CNumber * | CRow |
vector of costs | |
typedef const CNumber | cCNumber |
a read-only cost | |
typedef cCNumber * | cCRow |
read-only cost array | |
typedef double | FONumber |
type of the objective function: has to hold sums of products of FNumber(s) by CNumber(s) | |
typedef const FONumber | cFONumber |
a read-only o.f. value | |
typedef MCFState * | MCFStatePtr |
pointer to a MCFState | |
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template<class T > | |
bool | ETZ (T x, T eps) const |
true if flow x is equal to zero (possibly considering tolerances). | |
template<class T > | |
bool | GTZ (T x, T eps) const |
true if flow x is greater than zero (possibly considering tolerances). | |
template<class T > | |
bool | GEZ (T x, T eps) const |
true if flow x is greater than or equal to zero (possibly considering tolerances). | |
template<class T > | |
bool | LTZ (T x, T eps) const |
true if flow x is less than zero (possibly considering tolerances). | |
template<class T > | |
bool | LEZ (T x, T eps) const |
true if flow x is less than or equal to zero (possibly considering tolerances). | |
template<class T > | |
bool | GT (T x, T y, T eps) const |
true if flow x is greater than flow y (possibly considering tolerances). | |
template<class T > | |
bool | LT (T x, T y, T eps) const |
true if flow x is less than flow y (possibly considering tolerances). | |
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Index | n |
total number of nodes | |
Index | nmax |
maximum number of nodes | |
Index | m |
total number of arcs | |
Index | mmax |
maximum number of arcs | |
int | status |
return status, see the comments to MCFGetStatus() above. | |
bool | Senstv |
true <=> the latest optimal solution should be exploited | |
OPTtimers * | MCFt |
timer for performances evaluation | |
FNumber | EpsFlw |
precision for comparing arc flows / capacities | |
FNumber | EpsDfct |
precision for comparing node deficits | |
CNumber | EpsCst |
precision for comparing arc costs | |
double | MaxTime |
max time (in seconds) in which MCF Solver can find an optimal solution (0 = no limits) | |
int | MaxIter |
max number of iterations in which MCF Solver can find an optimal solution (0 = no limits) | |
The SPTree class derives from the abstract base class MCFClass, thus sharing its (standard) interface, and implements Shortest Path Tree algorithms for solving "uncapacitated" (Linear) Min Cost Flow problems with one source node.
Constructor of the class.
For the meaning of nmx and mmx see MCFClass::MCFClass().
The parameter ‘Drctd’ tells if the given graph has really to be understood as directed (default), i.e., if the i-th arc is Sn[ i ] --> En[ i ], or undirected, i.e., the i-th arc is Sn[ i ] <--> En[ i ]. Undirected graphs are internally implemented by doubling each arc, but this is completely hidden by the interface.
overridevirtual |
Inputs a new network, as in MCFClass::LoadNet().
Arcs with pC[ i ] == Inf< CNumber >() do not "exist". If DYNMC_MCF_SPT > 0, these arcs are "closed".
If DYNMC_MCF_SPT == 0, these arcs are just removed from the formulation. However, they have some sort of a "special status" (after all, if the user wants to remove them completely he/she can just change the data), in that they are still counted into the number of arcs of the graph and they will always have 0 flow and Inf< CNumber >() reduced cost as "closed" or "deleted" arcs.
Implements MCFClass.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Same meaning as MCFClass::MCFGetPi().
Reimplemented from MCFClass.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Same meaning as MCFClass::MCFGetFO().
Implements MCFClass.
void ShortestPathTree | ( | void | ) |
Solver of the Shortest Path Tree Problem from the current Origin.
(specified in the constructor or by SetOrigin(), see below)
If LABEL_SETTING == 0, or if no Destination is speficied (Dst == Inf< Index >() in SetDest() [see below]), the whole Shortest Path Tree (at least, the SPT of the component of the graph connected with Origin) is computed, otherwise the code stops as soon as the shortest path between Origin and Dest is computed.
Note that methods such as MCFGetX(), MCFGetRC() and MCFGetFO() may need some complicate calculations in order to put the solution of the Shortest Path in the correct format; since these calculations change some of the internal data structures, it is not permitted to call again ShortestPathTree() after that any of these methods have been called.
inline |
Changes the Destination node of Shotest Paths.
If LABEL_SETTING == 0, it has no influence since label correcting methods cannot stop before the whole SPT has been computed. Conversely, label setting algorithms can solve Origin-Dest Shortest Path Problems; therefore, it is possible to obtain shortest paths between Origin and a subset of the nodes, by calling ShortestPathTree() with one of the destinations, and controlling upon completion that all the desidered nodes have been visited (see Reached() below). If this is not the case, ShortestPathTree() can be invoked again with one of the unreached nodes, until they are all visited.
If no Dest is given, or if Dest is set to Inf< Index >(), the whole Shortest Path Tree (at least, the SPT of the component of the graph connected with Origin) is computed.
References MCFClass::kUnSolved, MCFClass::status, and USENAME0.
void MCFGetX | ( | Index | ND, |
cIndex_Set | DB, | ||
FRow | F, | ||
Index_Set | nms = 0 , |
Index | strt = 0 , |
Index | stp = Inf< Index >() |
) | const |
Like SPTree::MCFGetX( FRow , Index_Set , cIndex , Index ), except that the primal solution that is returned is relative only to the subset of destinations whose names are contained in the first ND entries of the vector DB.
Note: node names in ND must be in 1 ... n irrespective of USENAME0.
FONumber MCFGetFO | ( | Index | ND, |
cIndex_Set | DB | ||
) | const |
Like SPTree::MCFGetFO( void ), except that the cost that is returned is that of the primal solution relative only to the subset of destinations whose names are contained in the first ND entries of the vector DB.
Note: node names in ND must be in 1 ... n irrespective of USENAME0.
inline |
Return a cIndex* vector p[] such that p[ i ] is the predecessor of node i in the shortest path tree.
If a node i has no predecessor, i.e., i == Origin, i does not belong to the connected component of the origin or the computation have been stopped before reaching i, then p[ i ] == 0.
For this reason, the first entry of p (*p) is not significative.
cIndex_Set ArcPredecessors | ( | void | ) |
Return a cIndex* vector a[] such that a[ i ] is the index of the arc ( p[ i ] , i ), being p[] the vector returned by the above method, and with the same structure.
If p[ i ] == 0, then a[ i ] is not significative: for the Origin (that has p[ Origin ] == 0), however, it is guaranteed that a[ Origin ] == Inf< Index >().
virtual |
write the optimal flow solution in a vector
Write the optimal flow solution in the vector F[]. If nms == 0, F[] will be in "dense" format, i.e., the flow relative to arc ‘i’ (i in 0 .. m - 1) is written in F[ i ]. If nms != 0, F[] will be in "sparse" format, i.e., the indices of the nonzero elements in the flow solution are written in nms (that is then Inf< Index >()-terminated) and the flow value of arc nms[ i ] is written in F[ i ]. Note that nms is not* guaranteed to be ordered. Also, note that, unlike MCFGetRC() and MCFGetPi() [see below], nms is an output of the method.
The parameters ‘strt’ and ‘stp’ allow to restrict the output of the method to all and only the arcs ‘i’ with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ).
Implements MCFClass.
inlinevirtual |
return a read-only pointer to the flow solution
Return a read-only pointer to an internal data structure containing the flow solution in "dense" format. Since this may not always be available, depending on the implementation, this method can (uniformly) return 0. This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not have the information ready does not need to implement the method.
Reimplemented from MCFClass.
virtual |
write the reduced costs in a vector
Write the reduced costs corresponding to the current dual solution in RC[]. If nms == 0, the reduced cost of arc ‘i’ (i in 0 .. m - 1) is written in RC[ i ]; if nms != 0, it must point to a vector of indices in 0 .. m - 1 (ordered in increasing sense and Inf< Index >()-terminated), and the reduced cost of arc nms[ i ] is written in RC[ i ]. Note that, unlike MCFGetX() above, nms is an input of the method.
The parameters ‘strt’ and ‘stp’ allow to restrict the output of the method to all and only the arcs ‘i’ with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). ‘strt’ and ‘stp’ work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != 0 then only the values corresponding to arcs which are both in nms[] and whose index is in the correct range are returned.
Implements MCFClass.
inlinevirtual |
return a read-only pointer to an the reduced costs
Return a read-only pointer to an internal data structure containing the reduced costs. Since this may not always be available, depending on the implementation, this method can (uniformly) return 0. This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not have the information ready does not need to implement the method.
Reimplemented from MCFClass.
return the reduced cost of the i-th arc
Return the reduced cost of the i-th arc. This information should be cheapily available in most implementations.
Implements MCFClass.